Halfway There
And the saga continues!
Track 7 is complete, it features the time in which I moved out on my own and had the peace to finally start focusing on how to become a better producer. I really started to evolve as a person at this point. It was the beginning of my real change from a boy to a man. The music really begins to mature here as well. In the next chapter, Track 8, The Smooth Individual Clique is born. Here we will discuss my starting to rap and sing in addition to making beats. Again, as you may have guessed, I started out weak... lol. Building skills takes time though... and boy did I need it!
Track 9 will be coming soon as well, and will highlight some collaborations with my Line Brother (LB) Greg aka G-Money aka Prada G aka "just 'G'". LOL. I love that guy.
We're almost there! 7/4 is quickly approaching! So much to do! So much to do! I'm excited though, because I'll be sharing my gift with you shortly. Thanks for reading thus far!
Also: Do me a favor and click the G+ button on the bottom to help me spread my blog a bit! Thanks!!!
The AutoBEATography : Progressions of a Producer
Follow Me on Instagram and Twitter: kennyjohnsoniii
Look for me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kennyjohnsoniii

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